Every procedural algorithm has steps wherein they need choose a random number with certain parameters. Unfortunately, computers are logic based machines built upon structure and certainty, so having truly random numbers on them are impossible. However some mathematical process can appear seemingly random called "Pseudo Random Number Generators".
Within the project the Wave Function Collapse process will need to choose random numbers at multiple steps. Since the idea is to have the project within the game engine Unity, I could just use their Random.Range function.
But how "random" is it?
I decided to test it alongside Mersenne Twister + XORShift, a different XORShift and Microsoft's version of Linear Congruential Generator. From my testing, it seems like XORShift and LCG are the fastest of the 4, whereas the Unity.Random and Mersenne Twister are slower but more evenly distributed. The code snippets shown below were used to create the above gif, with help from various resources online. The algorithms once understood can be combined and used to add another layer of randomness onto it.
namespace WFC.Rand
//This will be the default class I use to return numbers
public class Rand
#region Variables
//The seed is set with a default
protected int seed= 133321;
#region Constructors
public Rand()
//Generally I want a seed
public Rand(int newSeed)
seed = newSeed;
#region Public Methods
/// <summary>
/// Setting the seed to retrieve a random number from
/// </summary>
public void SetSeed(int newSeed)
seed = newSeed;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a random number
/// </summary>
public int ReturnRandom()
return Noise();
/// <summary>
/// Gets a random number within a given maximum
/// </summary>
public int ReturnRandom(int MaxNumber)
return Noise() % MaxNumber;
#region Protected Methods
//The mathematical function to return the random number
protected virtual int Noise()
return seed;
public class Mersenne_Twister : Rand
//State Size
const int Size = 624;
//Shift Size
const int Period = 397;
const int diff = Size - Period;
//Mask Bits
const int MaskSize = 30;
const UInt32 BitMask = 0x9908b0df;
/// internal state
UInt32[] State = new UInt32[Size];
int next;
public Mersenne_Twister()
//Setting the values up for the first states
State[0] = (UInt32)seed;
for(int i = 1; i < Size; i++)
UInt32 v = (uint)(1812433253UL * (State[i - 1] ^ (State[i - 1] >> MaskSize)));
State[i] = (uint)(v + i);
//Starting the chain
public Mersenne_Twister(int seed)
State[0] = (UInt32)seed;
for (int i = 1; i < Size; i++)
UInt32 v = (uint)(1812433253UL * (State [i - 1] ^ (State [i - 1] >> MaskSize)));
State [i] = (uint)(v + i);
//Starting the chain
//The mathematical function to return the random number
protected override int Noise()
//Is it necessary to twist?
if (next >= Size)
//Get next state
UInt32 x = State[next++];
//Doing a small XORShift on the state to make it seem more random
x ^= x >> 11;
x ^= ( x << 7 ) & 0x9d2c5680;
x ^= ( x << 15 ) & 0xefc60000;
x ^= x >> 18;
return (int)x;
//Computing the states again
private void Twist()
int i = 0;
UInt32 current;
//The first half of states
for (i = 0; i < diff; i++)
current = ((State [i] & 0x80000000) | (State[i + 1] & 0x7fffffff));
State[i] = (State[i + Period] ^ (current >> 1) ^ ((current & 1) * BitMask));
//Remaining States
for (int j = i; j < Size - 1; j++)
current = (State[j] & 0x80000000) | (State[j + 1] & 0x7fffffff);
State[j] = (State [j - diff] ^ ( current >> 1 ) ^ ( ( current & 1 ) * BitMask));
i = State.Length - 1;
//The last state is done seperately which will wrap around
current = (State[i] & 0x80000000) | (State[0] & 0x7fffffff);
State [i] = (State[Period - 1] ^ (current >> 1) ^ ((current & 1) * BitMask));
//Starting the cycle again
next = 0;
//A simple XORShift class
public class XORShift : Rand
int x = 123456789;
int y = 362436069;
int z = 521288629;
int w = 88675123;
int t;
public XORShift()
//The mathematical function to return the random number
protected override int Noise()
//This is an XORShift in it's most basic form with a period of 2^128 -1
t = x ^ ( x << 11 );
x = y; y = z; z = w;
return w = w ^ (w >> 19) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8));
//A simple Linear Congruential Generator
public class LCG : Rand
public LCG(int newSeed)
seed = newSeed;
protected override int Noise()
//This is the Microsoft way of doing the LCG
return ((seed = 214013 * seed + 2531011) & int.MaxValue) >> 16;
The XORShift itself currently does not use the seed, but that will change soon so the X is the seed. Here are the aforementioned references for each method of getting random numbers, as well as using the wikipedia page for each: XORShift, MersenneTwister, LCG